Xrunner – Team Charity Car Did It

Posted on 28th Sep 2018 by Charity Car Posted in: Just For Fun

This time last week we – the Charity Car Team – were gearing ourselves up to take part in the Xrunner Wild Warrior event, a 5k muddy obstacle course. Today we’re sat in the office with a cup of tea and a biscuit, reflecting on last weekend and feeling slightly relieved we don’t have to wake up tomorrow morning to do it all over again!

We gathered with anticipation in a field in Derbyshire on a cloudy and cold Saturday morning, something of a relief that it wasn’t raining! We couldn’t be missed in our luminous orange Charity Car tops, though they wouldn’t stay that way for long…

Charity Car X-Runner team at the start

After torrential rain the day and night before, we were definitely guaranteed to get muddy! Our team of 20, including some family and friends who we’d roped in and two lucky competition winners, were ready to go. So, we warmed up as best we could in 9 degree temperatures and made our way to the start…

A few hay bales, some cargo nets to crawl under – not a bad beginning – then came the slightly more difficult inverted fences to climb, but still, not too muddy. A bit of a ditch, “this isn’t so bad” until we jogged down a hill and one of the team shouted “mud moguls”. Some of us looked blankly at each other, until we got closer and saw that we were about to have to make our way through 3 incredibly steep mounds followed by huge ditches filled with thick mud! Despite ropes to help pull yourself out, it was a tough one! We were slipping up and down those hills and one of us even lost her shoes in the mud! (Luckily retrieved just before they sunk.)

X-Runner obstacles for the Charity Car team

From this point it got muddier and wetter – actually swimming through muddy water at one point – there was even fire, oh and more mud! 36 obstacles and some bumps and bruises along the way, we were at the finish line, rain just starting. Relieved and in need of warmth we grabbed our medals, posed for a triumphant photo and rushed to get changed. Then celebratory hot drinks all round to warm up!

Charity Car X-Runner team at the muddy end

Whilst we worked together as a team to help each other through the mud, I think we’re divided on who will and won’t take part in one of these muddy obstacle courses again! All being said we’re proud of each other and of course so happy to have raised money for some of our great Charity Car Official Partners.

This fundraising event may be over, but you can always donate your old car to any of our fantastic charity partners, and at least you can stay clean and dry in the comfort of your own home!

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Official Partner to:

Motor Neurone Disease Association charity logo
Deki charity logo
The Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital charity logo
Acorns charity logo
Clean Air Day charity logo
Arms Around the Child charity logo
The National Coastwatch Institution charity logo
The Akshaya Patra Foundation charity logo
Parkinson's UK charity logo
Cancer Research UK charity logo
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BulliesOut charity logo
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Royal Surrey Charity logo
Whoopsadaisy charity logo
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Jessie May charity logo
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International Otter Survival Fund charity logo
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Through Unity charity logo
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bibic charity logo
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