Registered charity numbers: 1079049, SC040196
Cystic Fibrosis Trust is aiming for a brighter future for everyone with cystic fibrosis by funding cutting-edge research, driving up standards of care and supporting people with the condition and their loved ones every step of the way.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition that you are born with that affects the movement of salt and water in and out of cells. People with CF experience a build-up of thick sticky mucus in the lungs, digestive system and other organs, causing a wide range of challenging symptoms affecting the whole body.
CF affects more than 10,800 people in the UK and one in 25 of us carries the faulty gene that causes it. To have CF, you would have inherited a faulty gene from each parent, and as there are many different gene mutations that cause CF, each person has very different symptoms depending on the two genes they carry. The build-up of mucus in the lungs causes chronic infections, meaning that people with CF struggle with reduced lung function and have to spend hours doing physiotherapy and taking nebulised treatments each day. Some people have relatively stable lung function but require enzymes with every meal to help digest their food, while others don’t need any at all. Cystic Fibrosis Trust says that it’s hard to paint a picture that illustrates the 10,000 different stories – everyone with CF is unique.
While people with CF often look healthy on the outside, each individual is battling their own range of symptoms on a daily basis. Exacerbations (a sudden worsening of health, often owing to infection) can lead to frequent hospitalisation for weeks at a time, interfering with work and home life.
To tackle this condition and the effects it can have on a person’s life and that of their family, each year, Cystic Fibrosis Trust invests millions into cutting-edge research to tackle all of the big challenges faced by people with CF. The charity also provides a wide range of support and information including grants to help with the costs associated with the condition. Looking at the bigger picture, Cystic Fibrosis Trust campaigns hard to ensure the voice of the CF community is heard by decision makers. Now, partnered with Charity Car, Cystic Fibrosis Trust can use the funds from old car donations to help with this vital work and help change the lives of people with CF now and in the future.
With the advances in care, treatment and understanding of the condition that you can help to fund, people with CF are living longer and healthier lives than ever before. It is no longer a barrier to working, travelling or having a family – more than 50% of adults with CF are in education or employment, achieving their ambitions despite the challenges they face, but it does create obstacles.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust won’t stop until everyone with CF can live a life unlimited by the condition and with Charity Car your old car could help the charity achieve that goal.